We provide free, donated bicycles to homeless veterans, who often have no other form of transportation.
You can help by donating your good-condition used bike.
We also need locks and helmets.
This is a joint venture of MHVI and Milwaukee County Veterans Service Office (MCVSO) to promote the health and mobility of Milwaukee County veterans. We also take bikes for children and youth. MHVI will make these bikes available to veterans and their children. Your donation is tax-deductible.
Drop off your bike, helmet and/or lock at
6300 W National Ave
West Allis, WI 53214
M-F 9 AM - 2PM
We provide free, donated bicycles to homeless veterans, who often have no other form of transportation.
You can help by donating bikes, for adults, children and youth, in
good-working condition. We also need locks and helmets. Thank you for caring about our veterans!
This is a joint venture of MHVI and Milwaukee County Veterans Service Office (MCVSO) to promote the health and mobility of Milwaukee County veterans. MHVI will make these bikes available to veterans and their children. Your donation is tax-deductible.